Nulle is excited about entering the metaverse, but he is not interested in it being something that damages planet earth.

Damage planet earth?

Yes, unfortunately the the Ethereum blockchain is not (yet) green-tech. As a matter of fact emission on NFT activity is quite a bit:

MintingĀ (Creation): 142 kWh, 83 KgCO2

Bids: 41 kWh, 24 KgCO2

Cancel Bid: 12 kWh, 7 KgCO2Sale: 87 kWh, 51 KgCO2

Transfer of ownership: 52 kWh, 30 KgCO2

Memo Akten says the average NFT in its lifetime has a combined energy suck of 340 kWh (energy), 211 KgCO2 (emissions).

Therefore, by buying a single NFT, Nulle also enters the metaverse in a carbon-offsetting fashion to clean a bit of the mess that other NFTs have left behind.


When you choose to purchase Nulle the NFT 50% of the proceeds will go to offset by buying up carbon credit tokens and burning the tokens to remove that value container of CO2 emissions.